Hansa-Berufskolleg Jahrbuch 2017/2018

63 little girls, who are three and six years old. I really enjoyed the time with them because they made me feel very much at home. I already miss them because we had such a good relationship. On leaving Ireland the family and I agreed on maintaining our contact. If you had to list the peculiarities of Ireland in contrast to Germany I would say the biggest difference is that the Irish people practice left-hand driv- ing. Another obvious difference is that the Irish people seem to be much friendlier, for example, while getting in the bus driver asks “Hello, how are you?” and when you leave the bus he usually says “Thank you”. The Irish people are very open-minded and it is easy to get in contact with them. After three days in the headquarters of the Irish exchange organization, where they had taught us how to deal with problems at work and in general during our time in Ireland, I went to my com- pany for the first time on Thursday the 5th of July. The company I worked for is called F&M Accountants. It is a small accountants’ office in the center of Dublin, which provides typical working routines a SME7 can offer. The core business implies services such as 7 SME: small and medium-sized enterprises bookkeeping, company secretarial work, invoicing or liquidations for other companies. It is a small accountant’s office which was founded in 2013 and headed by the accountant and auditor Charles Fernandes. Charles has two part-time employees, who work four days a week, and two full-time employees. Normally Charles contacts the compa- ny´s clients personally and has some meetings with them. The four employ- ees in the office, Ella, Daniela, Liang and Pam, are responsible for the bookkeeping and filing by order of the companies. Pam is Charles’ “right- hand-woman”. She also meets clients. During the internship I had many tasks which provide a good insight into the tasks of an accountant and auditor. At first Charles explained to me what kind of services his company offered and how I could find my way in the office building. My first task was to search for missing bank statements, supplier Charles Accountant & Auditor Daniela Office Liang Office Ella Office Pam Charles' right- hand-woman