Hansa-Berufskolleg Jahrbuch 2017/2018
65 8.4 Fabian Multhoff berichtet über sein Praktikum in Brighton, UK Für das Jahrbuch 2017/2018 stellt Fa- bian Multhoff, 21 Jahre alt, und Auszu- bildender Industriekaufmann bei den Stadtwerken Münster seinen Bericht zur Verfügung. Introducing myself My name is Fabian Multhoff, I am 21 years old and in my second year of traineeship as an industrial business management assistant at Stadtwerke Münster. Originally I am from Recke, a small village near Osnabrück. After having passed my A-levels I moved to Münster and since then I have lived together with another trainee of anoth- er company in a shared flat. During my traineeship I have worked in various departments: in marketing, business customer sales, corporate communica- tions department, portfolio manage- ment and controlling. I have already been able to gain a pretty good overall impression of my company, My hope was that all my work experiences were useful in my internship abroad. The internship ran from 10 March to 7 April 2018 and took place in Brighton, UK. The first week of my stay in Brighton, I visited a language school together with the other students from Münster. The English Language Center Brighton of- fers language courses in different lev- els in order to support each student individually. After the language course, I had worked for three weeks in the field of Digital Marketing at the Start-up company Pet-Fi. I hoped that I got many insights into a company, which is very different from my actual company. Furthermore, I would have liked to know what every day working life looked like in such a Start-up company and whether the general working life in England was different to the German way of doing businesses. Moreover, I also wanted to get in touch with the culture and the people and visit some interesting plac- es in England. Abbildung 58: We used the weekends to visit many interesting places. Foto: F.M.