Hansa-Berufskolleg Jahrbuch 2017/2018

66 Abbildung 59 : The school was very well equipped for interactive lessons. Foto: F.M. However, the focus of my journey was on improving the English language, both linguistically and in writing. I think English is increasingly getting im- portant and will get more and more part of everyday life communication at Stadtwerke Münster. Facts and Figures about Brighton and the UK. England has a population of 55 mil- lion people but is only half the size of Germany. The most popular city is London - the city's metropolitan area is the most populous in the EU with 14,040,163 inhabitants according to figures taken in 2016. London is also the main residence of the royal family and has some of the most famous sights in Europe. The royal family plays a very important part in British society, especially for the elderly people. Although Great Britain (still) belongs to the EU, it does not have the EURO as currency but has stuck to its Pound sterling. I speak of “still” because the inhabitants of the United Kingdom voted in a referendum in 2016 in favour of leaving the EU in 2019. Which kinds of impact the ref- erendum will bring to the United Kingdom remains to be seen in the next couple of years. Brighton, the city of my internship, is located at the south coast of England and is part of the county East Sus- sex. Brighton and the neighboring town Hove joined to one municipal unit in 1997. Now the city has a pop- ulation of 289,200 inhabitants. Now it is one of the famous cities in this re- gion. The reason why Brighton has grown in recent years is, that the city is only about an hour away by train from London. There are many peo- ple travelling from London to Bright- on to spend their weekends at one of the most popular seaside resorts. Another reason is probably that Brighton is a very liberal and lively city, people in Brighton are very simi- lar to those living in London, both are mentally on the same wavelength. The Language Course In the first week of my stay abroad I visited the ELC together with the oth- er students from Münster. I was in a class together with a German