Hansa-Berufskolleg Jahrbuch 2017/2018
67 Abbildung 60: the new title slide of the new Power Point template/ made during my in- ternship. Foto: F.M. classmate. First I had been afraid of communicating too much in German rather than in English, but we agreed that we only speak English during the class. This arrangement worked very well. We had three lesson units each day - two in the morning and one in the afternoon. The two les- sons in the morning were more about general topics and grammar, whereas the one in the afternoon was about the history of the English language. Overall, I have to say that the lessons at school were a good starting point for my four-week stay here in the UK. It helped to make the transition much easier. In my class were students from differ- ent countries in the world: students from the Czech Republic, Spain, Swit- zerland, France and Colombia. This has also taught me a little about their culture. My company Pet-Fi is a company in Brighton which provides a lifestyle and digital content service platform. The com- pany was founded in 2016 by Jen- nifer Stevens and is a one woman start-up business. It had been locat- ed in a co-working area operated by the NatWest Bank called Entrepre- neurial Spark in Brighton until March 28. This had been a measure of a support program which ended in spring and now the company, Pet-Fi, has settled in a new office belonging to a video production company. This offers Pet-Fi many new opportunities and the chance of producing new, inspiring content services. To be honest, I had to be in the com- pany for a couple of days and often I had to talk to the founder to understand what Pet-Fi really was about. Jennifer Stevens is very concerned about the well-being of dogs, and she wants to improve the current situation of animal live. That is why she founded Pet-Fi. She wants Pet-Fi to be a platform for dog owners, with much information about dog-friendly hotels or restaurants and so on, but it should also be a service platform for those companies that want