Hansa-Berufskolleg Jahrbuch 2017/2018

69 we worked in various smaller co- working places or at home. At that time there was no need to rent a new office immediately as our meetings could take place anywhere and the next holi- day season was coming. At the end of my stay, the boss took me to London, where we had three appointments with business partners. Following that, I summarized the discussion facts and figures and sent the files to the busi- ness partners. I also worked on many small tasks in between, some exam- ples are listed here:  Restructuring and reorganizing of the existing database  Creating new posts on Face- book and Instagram and track- ing responses.  Planning and managing events  Adding new contacts to the CRM system Overall, my daily routines covered lots of different tasks. Conclusion First of all I have to state that the four weeks of my internship were an ex- citing but also a very informative time. I am very much convinced that the internship will be very beneficial to me as far as my future career and my personality are concerned. I had a lovely host family... I did not have to worry about anything. I will definitely visit them again when I will have finished my apprenticeship. In addition, I was lucky with my room- mate Quentin. I always took the chance to talk to him in English to improve my language skills. I also travelled a lot in England - I visited Oxford, Windsor, London, Bath and Stonehenge. It was great to have the opportunity to see some very different places in England. To be honest, in the beginning I was a bit skeptical. Although I had learned a lot about the company in our pre-meetings with Jennifer via Skype, I was not sure if Pet-Fi was really the right company. Then, I had decided for Pet-Fi, maybe because there is an extreme difference to my regular business. The dog sector was completely new to me, but I wanted to face a challenge. It is a start-up company and while working there you will notice the dif- ference to established companies. The business in a start-up company is not organized perfectly and there are no highly developed processes